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Benefits Of Peanut

Peanuts Benefits

Peanuts are rich in nutrients,providing over 30 essential nutrients & phytonutrients. Peanuts are a good source of niacin, folate, fiber,magnesium,Vitamin E, Manganese & phosphorous. They also are naturally free of trans-fats and sodium and contain about 25% protein. Peanuts are processed in various forms as Peanut butter/Flavoured peanuts/Coated peanuts/ Peanut bars/Chocolate spreads, nut biscuits, crushed nuts used on cakes, buns, icecream and desserts. Innovation on use of peanuts in processed foods continues due to its excellent nutritional values.

Uses: Plain, roasted, or boiled peanuts make for a popular snack enjoyed all over the world. They are also used in dishes, spicy sauces, and popular sweet items. Peanuts are widely used for its edible oil which is considered a healthier substitute, due to it high monosaturated content, to saturatedoils. Peanut butter,a food paste made from roasted peanuts, is a popular food in the US, the UK, Australia, and parts of Asia Where it is commonly used as a sandwich spread. Peanuts are also used in the making of a variety of textile materials, cosmetics, plastics, dyes, and paints.